Ways to Support Your Child's Learning

Ways To Support Your Child’s Learning and Work In School 
1 READ ALOUD to your child often and for a variety of reasons.  Don’t assume that when your child starts reading that it’s time to stop reading to them. 
2. LISTEN  to your child when they begin to tell you about what they’re doing I school or about their friends.  Ask your child specific questions such as:  What did you learn today during math time?  Or,  Tell me about the book that you are reading now in class. 
3. READ WITH  your child as often as possible.  Set aside a time and place for this activity.  Make reading as fun and enjoyable as possible,  while helping your child to develop MANY strategies for reading new words. 
4. TELL YOUR CHILD STORIES.  Retell favorite books together by looking at the pictures or from memory.  This can be a fun activity in the car.  Also,  tell your child stories from your past and about your family history. 
5. MISTAKES  can be opportunities for talking and learning.  When your child shows you some work with errors on it  (spelling,  math,  etc.)  ask them to talk about how they approached the problem.  Focus on what they did right.
6. PLAY with your child and get  inside their pretend worlds.  Play allows children to make sense out of their world,  use new language to develop relationships and to figure out the way things work. 
7.  STAY IN TOUCH WITH YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER.  Regular,  open and honest communication with your child’s teacher is essential to understanding how you can help your child learn.  Give your child’s teacher information about your child’s interests and strengths,  and give your input about what you expect your child to accomplish in school.